Cleanup Program

Cleanup Funds

When you have a site with contamination concerns obtaining financing from a bank can be difficult. We are here to help. The City of Cheyenne provides financing for cleanup through our EPA Revolving Loan Fund (RLFs) Grant. to facilitate the reuse and/or redevelopment of contaminated sites.

We make loans to private entities, non-profit organizations, or local governments and can potentially sub-grant funds to non-profits or local governments for cleanup. Special provisions, such as deferral of principal payments, interest rate reduction, balloon payments, and amortized payments based on longer terms, can be negotiated.

Benefits of Participating

Benefits to property owners participating in our RLF Cleanup Program include:

  • Step-by-step guidance through the remediation and cleanup process by the City of Cheyenne’s contractor. This will help ensure your property is adequately cleaned up in accordance with all state and federal guidelines.
  • Assistance with identifying, bid letting, and contracting with cleanup contractors, such as excavators and abatement firms, to remediate your property safely and accurately. The City’s contractor will oversee the cleanup project to ensure everything is completed as planned.
  • Landowners are provided with a cleanup report that can be used to secure additional funding, finalize a property transaction, or receive a letter of No Further Corrective Action from the local regulatory authority.
  • Low-to-no-cost funding options make the City’s Brownfield RLF program more appealing than other traditional loan programs that could have much higher interest rates with less flexible terms.
  • The program is 100% voluntary. It is intended to support the owner and/or purchaser in activities that promote reuse of the property. The property owner can withdraw from the program at any time.

Benefits to the Community

  • location_cityUse of existing infrastructure
  • parkPreservation of green space
  • shopping_cartGrowth in jobs and commerce
  • groupsReinvestment in communities
  • airRemoval of environmental hazards, pollutants, and blight